Keep for 3-4 days in the refrigerator at 4°C.
After production, extruded or rolled pasta and ravioli can be consumed immediately.

The only thing to do is to cook them in boiling water. Obviously, this cooking is very fast because the moisture content is close to 30%, whereas in the case of dry pasta, the moisture content must be restored during cooking, which can take between 8 and 12 minutes, depending on the size and type of pasta or raw material (hard or soft wheat pasta).

B) Deferred consumption :
If the shelf life of fresh pasta and ravioli is to be extended, specific treatments are necessary
Preservation methods for fresh pasta and ravioli

1) Modified atmosphere packaging
This method is applied to both plain pasta (short and long pasta) and filled pasta (ravioli). It consists of expelling the ambient air by means of a pump and replacing it with a so-called 'neutral' gas.

The shelf life is extended to about one week, provided that the pasta and ravioli are kept at a temperature of 4-5 °C.
This treatment has the advantage of respecting all the organoleptic qualities of the product (flavours and colours are not altered) and of being totally natural, as no preservatives are used.

(2) Pasteurisation and then modified atmosphere packaging
If this process is applied, the best-before date can be extended to around 42 days if the pasta and ravioli are sterilised after packaging and kept at a temperature of 4-5 °C.

3) Freezing and bagging.
This consists of quickly transporting the pasta and ravioli to a freezing cell, directly after leaving the production machines.